At Saveway Tax Services, we specialize in low cost electronic processing and filing of personal income tax returns.
Saveway Tax Services has been in operation from the same location in Regina, Saskatchewan, since the late 1980's.
We prepare all personal tax returns including situations of self-employment or professional income (unincorporated), qualifying employee expenses, investment income (capital gains/losses), rental income and other scenarios affecting taxability. We also offer bookkeeping, payroll and other associated services to self-employed individuals. Please refer to the Services page for a detailed listing of our services.
Though our busiest time is March and April, we are open year round. Please refer to our Hours page to plan your visit or appointment accordingly as our hours vary according to the time of year.
We look forward to serving your personal tax preparation needs for the coming tax season. Feel free to call with any questions.
Saveway Tax Services is proud to offer services in both English and French.
OUR GUARANTEE: We aim for 100% accuracy 100% of the time. However if we are responsible for an error or omission which results in interest charges and/or penalties, we will reimburse you for such interest and/or penalties but NOT for the actual tax payable.
Owner / Tax Consultant
Owner / Manager
Tax Consultant
Richard holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) degree from the University of Manitoba and is a DFA (Distinguished Financial Advisor) – Tax Services Specialist. The identical surname is not a coincidence – Richard is in fact Joanne’s spouse. From the time Joanne began working with her father Eugene in 2007, Richard assumed a growing background role with Saveway Tax Services. In early 2013, Richard joined the Saveway Tax Services team in a full-time capacity. Through his post-secondary education, continued studies in taxation and through various employment positions involving financial analysis, Richard brings with him a complementary skill set for the services offered at Saveway Tax Services. Most recently, Richard met the rigors of the LLQP (Life License Qualification Program).
A native of Regina, Joanne holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) degree from the University of Manitoba and is a Certified Financial Planner. Joanne has taken numerous specialized tax courses and continues to deepen her vast knowledge pool. She has also met the rigors of the LLQP (Life License Qualification Program). Along with her family, Joanne moved back to Regina in 2007 and immediately took her place alongside her father Eugene at Saveway Tax Services. As the expression goes, Joanne is a ‘chip off the `ol block’. She certainly inherited her father’s love of numbers!
At Saveway Tax Services, we are always on the lookout for wonderful and qualified people to assist us with reception and tax preparation during our very busy season from February to April every year.
With regards to tax preparers, we diligently seek those having demonstrated and recent experience.
If interested in joining our small but vibrant little tax army, please approach Richard or Joanne at any time.
Maryna joined the Saveway Tax Services family in February 2021. Based on her initiative, marvelous demeanour and background, Joanne and Richard quickly saw the potential in Maryna and began offering her specialized training in personal tax return preparation. She is a very detailed oriented individual who strives beyond anything to ensure that all returns are prepared correctly and to the customer’s or family unit’s greatest advantage. In short, she exemplifies the approach instilled in all Saveway employees. A year-round employee, Maryna relinquishes her reception perch in early February of every year to assume her place with the other tax preparers and consultants. Aside from reception and tax preparation duties, Maryna also plays an active role with bookkeeping and payroll for some of our marvelous self-employed clientele.
Receptionist / Tax Preparer
Personal Income Tax Returns
We specialize in completing all personal income tax returns. This includes but is not limited to the following common tasks:
• processing all tax information slips you receive
• claiming qualified medical and child care expenses
• claiming qualified receipted charitable donations
• claiming tuition expenses (and transferring to a spouse, parent or grandparent if applicable).
We also prepare tax returns for the following situations:
• taxpayers with self-employment/professional income (sole proprietorship or partnership)
• taxpayers claiming qualified employment expenses
• taxpayers claiming rental income
• taxpayers claiming investment income including capital gains/losses on the sale of capital assets
• taxpayers claiming qualified moving expenses.
On a select basis, we do prepare T2 tax returns for incorporated businesses.
Other Services
We also offer bookkeeping and other associated services to self-employed sole proprietors or partnerships. This may include but is not limited to:
• data entry of all financial data (income and expenses) using the Sage software program
• preparation of monthly, quarterly or annual PST, GST and other financial reports
• help with payroll and payroll remittances
• preparation of T4's.
Please call us about any services you need that may not be listed above.
We are pleased to offer our services in both official languages.
Si cela vous intéresse, deux de nos consultants sont en mesure de vous servir en français!
STS Drop Off Questionnaire
STS Employment Expense Form
STS Moving Expenses Form
STS Rental Form
STS Self-Employment Form
If you are new to Saveway Tax Services, we kindly request that you make an in person appointment to meet with one of our tax consultants or preparers.
We may need information such as:
- Your RRSP deduction limit
- Any unused RRSP contributions
- Any HBP or LLP repayments
- Any carry forward net capital losses or non-capital losses
- Any unused education credits
- Any unused charitable donations
If possible, bring in your notice of assessment from Canada Revenue Agency for the prior tax year and/or a copy of your prior year tax return. All of the items listed above should appear in one or the other of these documents.
If you are self-employed and also filed with self-employment income the previous year, your tax return from the prior year may contain information needed to do this year's return accurately (re CCA, etc.).
Include the following if you have dependants:
- Any child care receipts
- Any child/spousal support amounts and whether they are deductible/taxable or not (It would be advisable to bring in a copy of a separation agreement if one exists.)
You may be eligible for the caregiver amount if you have dependants over 18 living with you who are disabled or infirm and depend on you financially. Likewise, you may be eligible for the caregiver amount if you have a parent over 65 years of age living with you. In this last instance, we need to know the parent’s net income in order to determine eligibility.
If you were a full-time or part-time student during the year at the post-secondary school level at a designated educational institution or in a qualifying educational program, you may benefit from special deduction amounts and credits.
If at a designated educational institution within Canada, please ensure to have Form T2202A Tuition, Education and Textbook Amounts Certificate from the institution along with your other tax documentation. Form T2202A documents tuition fees paid and months of attendance in the calendar year. This form is often available by logging in to your online student account with the institution.
We may also require information such as:
- Any unused tuition and education amounts carried forward from prior years
- Slips for any scholarships, fellowships, bursaries and/or study grants received
- Official receipts for interest paid on qualified student loans
- Up to $5000 of unused tuition amount can to transferred to a spouse, parent or grandparent
Do you have any investments?
If so, we may need information such as:
- Any slips issued by the financial institutions for the interest/dividends/capital gains earned
- Slips/documentation outlining capital gains/losses
- Both your original cost and the proceeds of disposition for any assets sold during the year for
which you do not have a T slip - re: capital gains/losses
- Documentation for any investment counsel fees paid and/or interest paid to earn
investment income
Please note that T3's and T5013's (partnership income) can be issued as late as the end of March.
Please ensure that you have all slips before coming to us for preparation of your yearly tax return (check last year's return to verify that you have all information pertinent to investments for the current tax filing year).
Are you self-employed?
We may need information such as:
Please refer to the Worksheet section of our website
Do you have rental properties?
We may need information such as:
Please refer to the Worksheet section of our website
Do you have employment expenses?
We may need information such as:
Please refer to the Worksheet section of our website
If you are deducting employment expenses, your employer will have to complete and sign Form T2200, Declaration of Conditions of Employment. Please note that we will not prepare a tax return with deductions for employment expenses unless a properly completed T2200 is presented to us, and this for every individual tax year.
Do you have moving expenses?
We may need information such as:
Please refer to the Worksheet section of our website
If you have any medical expenses to claim for yourself and/or family members, please ensure to have all necessary documentation.
If all prescriptions are obtained from one pharmacy, instead of holding on to the tiny prescription receipts you may obtain a print out of all prescriptions purchased in the year upon request to the pharmacy.
Premiums paid to private health services plans, including travel medical insurance, are a deductible expense. However, if you do have a private service plan it is imperative that you obtain a print out of the yearly claims history from the insurance company.
If you travel at least 40 kilometres (one way) from your home to obtain medical services not available near your home, you may be able to claim vehicle expenses or expenses related to public transportation. Medical travel expenses can be tricky. If you believe you may be in a situation to claim such expenses, please discuss the circumstances with one of our tax consultants or tax preparers.
Whether an existing or new client of Saveway Tax Services,
the following checklist provides some great information and reminders:
(Published with consent from Video Tax News –
If you were a salaried employee (receiving employment income as documented on a T4 slip) and worked from home in the taxation year, you may be able to claim a deduction on the personal tax return for work space in home expenses, office supplies and certain phone expenses.
Specifically, you may claim expenses related to work from home if you worked more than 50% of the time from home for a period of at least four consecutive weeks in the calendar year and your employer did not reimburse all of your home office expenses.
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada Revenue Agency had permitted the use of a flat rate method to claim home office expenses on the 2020, 2021 and 2022 tax returns. Eligible employees who worked from home in 2023 and subsequent years will be required to use the detailed method to claim home office expenses. The temporary flat rate method does not apply to 2023 and subsequent tax years.
Please refer to the Employment Expenses checklist as well as to the Worksheet section of our website.
If you are deducting employment expenses, your employer will have to complete and sign Form T2200, Declaration of Conditions of Employment. Please note that we will not prepare a tax return with deductions for employment expenses unless a properly completed T2200 is presented to us, and this for every individual tax year.
If populating our Employment Expenses worksheet (must have a completed and signed form T2200 from employer), please only include the total amount for expenses you paid for the period(s) you worked from home.
Receiving your documentation
options to send us your tax documents (for existing/returning clients choosing to use our drop off service)
For options 1 and 2 outlined below, please include a completed drop off questionnaire. You may add other pertinent notes to the drop off questionnaire that you would like us to consider in preparing your tax return. For physical drop off (option 1 outlined below), copies of the blank questionnaire are provided at our office. Alternately, the questionnaire can be found in the WORKSHEET section of our website.
1. Physical drop off takes place at the reception desk at the entrance of our office space. We have also installed a permanent and secure large steel drop box outside our office for those preferring contactless drop off or for after hours submissions.
2. Mail your documentation to Saveway Tax Services, 361 Broad Street, Regina SK, S4R 1X2.
3. Submit any FOLLOW UP documentation online through our secure portal. Please note that the initial submission of documentation to Saveway Tax Services for drop off service should be via physical drop off or mail. If the tax consultant or preparer assigned to the file requests further documentation or you discover that you inadvertently forgot to include a necessary document, you may opt to use this electronic submission tool. Please follow the steps outlined below.
• Scan your tax documents. Please do not submit photos of your documentation.
• Click the ShareFile logo below.
• Populate the fields for email address, first and last name.
• Drag the files you would like to submit to us to the large onscreen box or use the ‘Browse Files’ functionality.
• Press ‘Upload’ when you have completed adding your files/documents.
• Successfully submitted files will display the message ‘Uploaded’ to the right of the file title. Close the window as your files have been submitted to Saveway Tax Services.
We will contact you if we require clarification or any other information. Additionally, we will contact you when the tax return is complete and ready for pick up (printed copy of tax return and return of all original documentation). Tax returns will only be filed electronically (EFILE) to Canada Revenue Agency once the T183 (Information Return for Electronic Filing of an Individual’s Income Tax and Benefit Return) is signed.
February 24 to April 30
Monday to Friday – 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM (or later)
Saturday – 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (commencing February 22)
May 1 to June 16
Monday to Friday – 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
(evenings and weekends by appointment only)
OFF SEASON (varies)
Monday to Thursday – 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
During the off season, please phone ahead to ensure that someone is in and/or to inquire about current hours of operation. We may be closed during certain periods.
Other times by appointment - Please Phone Ahead - Leave a message and we will get back to you as promptly as possible.
A sign on the door and a telephone message will inform you of any extended closures for holidays.
Important considerations regarding appointments:
Please phone ahead to make an appointment if you wish to sit down with a tax consultant or preparer to discuss your tax situation and prepare your tax return. It is an especially good idea to make an appointment if your situation has complex issues that should be discussed with us, if there have been significant changes from prior years or if you are new to Saveway Tax Services. If you wish to see a particular tax consultant or preparer, please say so at the time of booking your appointment so that we may schedule your block of time accordingly to avoid long wait times.
Please bring in all information specific to your tax situation upon your initial visit. Along with this point, we ask that paperwork be organized and categorized for each family member. If you choose to drop off your tax information, please ensure that we have everything necessary and that it is organized enough so that we don’t miss any pertinent information. It is not sufficient to simply inform the receptionist orally of any changes or important facts that must be taken into consideration when preparing your tax return – include detailed notes if necessary.
Privacy statement:
We value your privacy. We will use the information you have provided to supply you with a response. We will not sell or divulge your information to any other party. If you have any questions about this, please direct them to Richard Robert at 306-775-2988.
Saveway Tax Services Ltd.
361 Broad St.
Regina, SK S4R 1X2
Phone: (306) 775-2988
Fax: (306) 775-2998
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